I Sinned, Therefore I Deconverted.
I see there's some debate over a part of John Loftus' deconversion over at Triablogue. Mainly about his affair with a woman (that was part of the reason he rejected Christianity). He puts it this way: Why would God allow him to be tempted by a woman (that temptation leading to an affair)?
I have not commented there, mainly because I enjoy the amusement of reading all of the commenters. I dare not intrude into the fun.
But I'm not here to talk about Loftus' moral shortcomings. I have many myself. But I'm gonna touch a little of his claims that he was "tempted" by this woman and sinned. And we all know that a perfectly good and righteous God wouldn't bla-bla-bla. You get the idea.
Oo-kay then.
No problem for Loftus. He believes in free will, I presume.
So he by his own free will (your choice!) chose to have sex with a certain woman. So why is he holding God responsible?
Oh wait, she tempted him. He wasn't really responsible. Loftus was merely a passive observer in his affair.
So don't worry. If you are tempted by anything...women, drugs, guns, wealth, global domination (yup), don't sweat. They made you do it.
But then we ask God, why?
Why did you allow them? Why did you allow me?
Is not God controlling everything? Makes him look bad, no?
So, in the end, don't blame me. Blame God. You are responsible.
But Loftus holds himself responsible too. Now, I wonder, responsible for what? For being responsible in something he had no control in? For being forced to do something?
So don't worry, sir.
God does not exist because he didn't stop you from sinning.
Don't worry, because affairs are not sinful. No, that's a disproven concept gained from a certain thick book.
That woman of course. I couldn't help it.
Or, to be more accurate, my genes couldn't help it.
You see, evolution by natural selection has built into the male (or the genes of the male, to be more precise) the irresistable desire to mate. Marriage is a cultural thing. Why marry? Is it not another disproven concept from that old, thick book?
The more mates the merrier. The more chances Loftus has of passing his genes on.
Why be all angsty and moody?
It's nothing, really. Just your genes. And women.
But if you really still think adultery is not the thing for you, you ought to become a eunuch (though your genes don't recommend that). You might not be able to fight it, but you sure can't complete the sin, that's for sure.
I have not commented there, mainly because I enjoy the amusement of reading all of the commenters. I dare not intrude into the fun.
But I'm not here to talk about Loftus' moral shortcomings. I have many myself. But I'm gonna touch a little of his claims that he was "tempted" by this woman and sinned. And we all know that a perfectly good and righteous God wouldn't bla-bla-bla. You get the idea.
Oo-kay then.
No problem for Loftus. He believes in free will, I presume.
So he by his own free will (your choice!) chose to have sex with a certain woman. So why is he holding God responsible?
Oh wait, she tempted him. He wasn't really responsible. Loftus was merely a passive observer in his affair.
So don't worry. If you are tempted by anything...women, drugs, guns, wealth, global domination (yup), don't sweat. They made you do it.
But then we ask God, why?
Why did you allow them? Why did you allow me?
Is not God controlling everything? Makes him look bad, no?
So, in the end, don't blame me. Blame God. You are responsible.
But Loftus holds himself responsible too. Now, I wonder, responsible for what? For being responsible in something he had no control in? For being forced to do something?
So don't worry, sir.
God does not exist because he didn't stop you from sinning.
Don't worry, because affairs are not sinful. No, that's a disproven concept gained from a certain thick book.
That woman of course. I couldn't help it.
Or, to be more accurate, my genes couldn't help it.
You see, evolution by natural selection has built into the male (or the genes of the male, to be more precise) the irresistable desire to mate. Marriage is a cultural thing. Why marry? Is it not another disproven concept from that old, thick book?
The more mates the merrier. The more chances Loftus has of passing his genes on.
Why be all angsty and moody?
It's nothing, really. Just your genes. And women.
But if you really still think adultery is not the thing for you, you ought to become a eunuch (though your genes don't recommend that). You might not be able to fight it, but you sure can't complete the sin, that's for sure.