Is Transsexuality Justified?

The Star's
report on transsexuality, (TS from now on) that they are biologically "wired" to be one is indeed interesting. But I have a few qualms.

A study by Prof L.J.G. Gooren from the Gender Studies and Gender Reassignment Programmes at Vrije University in Amsterdam, Netherlands apparently bears this out.

I have a few comments. Firstly, the fact that this study is conducted in Holland makes me question the objectivity of the researchers. Some might say that this is downright poisoning of the well, but in a country where the age of consent in 12, one would expect nothing less than a bias treatment of issues concerning sexuality.

Secondly, the study claims that the hypothalamus region of the brain (which is bigger than a female's for a normal male) of a TS male follows the size of a female. And the same vice-versa.

However, there are some problems that I see. For example, has the researchers compared the hypothalamus region of other normal males to see if any of them match the size of a female's even though they are non-TS? Also, how big was the group of TSs that were compared? Were the results selectively chosen so as to project the conception that the hypothalamus size of a TS male was equivalent to that of a normal female?

It is also interesting to note the comment Dr. Mohd Ismail that it "
usually during adolescence that transsexuals would want to be close to the gender of their choice". Considering that the choice of ones gender is "determined" during this period of raging hormones (where passions can get easily confused, I might add) speaks a lot.

A final thing that I might add: Even if it can be proven that biologically someone can indeed "feel" like the opposite gender, it certainly doesn't justify something that radical as completely changing your sex. Considering that even though you have gone through countless surgeries to make yourself look like the gender you "feel" you are, you will nevertheless have to continue taking hormon replacements etc. It goes to say that no matter what, you are still the gender you were born with. And to justify your decision to change sex on something as flimsy as "feelings" is stupid, at best.

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