Young Earthers: Nuts & Fruitcakes
I've heard people accuse organizations like AiG of scientific dishonesty, mainly because they happen to be young earth creationists. Most of them are (surprise, surprise) Christians. I have two observations to make here:
First of all, most old-earthers (and evolutionists) claim that there is exegetical support for an old-earth from Genesis 1, and that "literalists" (As we Young-Earthers are so often called) merely impose scripture upon science. In regards to the exegetical support, I have no doubt that there are competent old-earthers like Gleason Archer. Then there is Meredith Kline, who developed the Framework Hypothesis which pretty much permits an old-earth. Although I will not respond in detail, I believe there is convincing evidence to show that Genesis 1 does teach a young-earth (Liberals like Barr admit it, though some would say that he has his own "errancy" agenda to put forth).
Second, most Christians who are old-earthers fail to consider whether they view evidence for an old-earth from fields such as geology or astronomy either as facts or interpretations. They tend to take them as the former, though logic requires it to be the latter. Have they ever considered that the age of the earth has been agressively put forth by evolutionists to support their interpretations?
To end, I would like to see old-earthers (Especially Christians) respect the Young-Earthers more and treat them as competent opponents to their views.
On other matters, I especially recommend that you read this article on Challies. You'll laugh for sure!
First of all, most old-earthers (and evolutionists) claim that there is exegetical support for an old-earth from Genesis 1, and that "literalists" (As we Young-Earthers are so often called) merely impose scripture upon science. In regards to the exegetical support, I have no doubt that there are competent old-earthers like Gleason Archer. Then there is Meredith Kline, who developed the Framework Hypothesis which pretty much permits an old-earth. Although I will not respond in detail, I believe there is convincing evidence to show that Genesis 1 does teach a young-earth (Liberals like Barr admit it, though some would say that he has his own "errancy" agenda to put forth).
Second, most Christians who are old-earthers fail to consider whether they view evidence for an old-earth from fields such as geology or astronomy either as facts or interpretations. They tend to take them as the former, though logic requires it to be the latter. Have they ever considered that the age of the earth has been agressively put forth by evolutionists to support their interpretations?
To end, I would like to see old-earthers (Especially Christians) respect the Young-Earthers more and treat them as competent opponents to their views.
On other matters, I especially recommend that you read this article on Challies. You'll laugh for sure!