Thoughts Before Dinner

Right now, I'm happy I convinced my parents to give me 300 bucks for my birthday. Now I finally get to splurge on those books :)

I was at Evangel today to see what books would interest me. Nothing really new was added since I was last there. I think I might get Mounce's "Greek For The Rest Of Us", and a book on Systematic Theology. Wayne Grudem (and Louis Berkhof) is at the top of the list, though I'm sure I'll be heading for Berkhof since Grudem goes way off track when it comes to the Gift of Prophecy. I'm not gonna waste money on THAT!

Steve Camp has written a great article on the
Four Spiritual Laws that really shows how far Evangelicalism today has missed the gospel. To quote his new "revised" version of the laws:

LAW ONE: God's hated burns against you and your sin and He has a terrible plan for your life.

LAW TWO: There is nothing you can do about it. Man is sinful and utterly lost. He is totally depraved, conceived in sin, and is incapable of saving himself by his own merits or his own efforts of works righteousness. God's anger burns against us and our sin and there is nothing we can do in our own strength, goodness, acts of kindness to please Him and earn eternal life.

LAW THREE: But Christ came and died in our place and fulfilled God's law and all righteousness, took all of the sin, its guilt and penalty that would ever be committed by everyone that would ever believe; and all of the wrath of God that burns against our sin on the cross; so that by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, on the Word alone, to the glory of God alone, we would have the hope, surety and promise of eternal life.

LAW FOUR: May God grant you saving faith and the grace to repent of your sin and receive Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior for eternal life so that you may have peace with Him forever! His love, mercy and grace no one can ever take away once your life is hid in Christ.

Steve Hays at Triablogue points out Robbins (In my opinion, heheh) nuttiness. Here's a sample of Robbins' post:

Now, most of what we colloquially call knowledge is actually opinion: We "know" that we are in Pennsylvania; we "know" that Clinton – either Bill or Hillary – is President of the United States, and so forth. Opinions can be true or false; we just don’t know which. History, except for revealed history, is opinion. Science is opinion. Archaeology is opinion. John Calvin said, "I call that knowledge, not what is innate in man, nor what is by diligence acquired, but what is revealed to us in the Law and the Prophets." Knowledge is true opinion with an account of its truth.

It may very well be that William Clinton is President of the United States, but I do not know how to prove it, nor, I suspect, do you. In truth, I do not know that he is President, I opine it.

Robbins is chasing me away from Gordon Clark with his every word written, starting from his bashing of Piper for siding with the NPPs. And to think of Piper defending the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness in his book "Counted Righteous In Christ". Wow.
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