New Article @ ExegeZone

Thursday, April 28, 2005
I've just published an exegesis on James 2 on whether it teaches salvation by faith & works.

Check it out here.

Still Not There Yet

Liverpool did a very, very good job at Stanford Bridge, keeping Chelsea at bay. Imagine the goal fests that had occured here- Barcelona and Bayern Munich. Liverpool can be considered very lucky for keeping the scoreline down.

That said, we're still not there yet. Anything can still happen at Anfield. We may have the advantage, but Chelsea also do have it. On paper, they may be better, but who knows.

It is, as I believe, still anybody's game.

Liverpool Vs. Chelsea

Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Who do you think will win? Of course, I will say Liverpool. But let's be realistic here- We haven't beaten Chelsea this season. I will admit right now that I don't expect Liverpool to win this time round (against Chelsea) but I also admit that I will love to see them do and if they pull it off...well that would be great then, now wouldn't it?

Emergent No

Tuesday, April 26, 2005
In case you didn't know, there happens to be a blogsite out there dedicated to exposing the Emergent Movement. All I can say is, amen. We need all the soldiers we can get in this battle. Oh, and expect the usual ad hominems and poisoning of the well by Emergents against this site.

You can find it here.

The Internet Monk's Apostasy...From Calvinism

Now that I've got your attention...

If you haven't heard of the recent hoo-ha (now subsided) after James White replied to Michael Spencer (the iMonk), let me update you:

It all started when the Internet Monk quit from holding the Calvinist name tag, and James White responded (here and here).

He all recently posted a Q&A telling us why he would not want to be identified as a Calvinist anymore.

One is then tempted ask- "Why?" Why did this person leave the Calvinist name tag (and put on another, by the way, called Christian Humanism). Basically, it was his beef with today's Calvinists.

They are, apparently

John Macarthur, Al Mohler and a lot of very angry young men defending all kinds of fundamentalist yahooism. The profile and "flavor" of the movement has changed in significant ways, at least as I perceive and experience it. It is no longer a basic grid, but is coming to include all kinds of things: mandatry hostility to public schools, culture wars, rejection of other Christians, Young Earth Creationism, ridiculous intimidation and defaming of good people writing and reading theology outside of the "approved list."

That's for starters. One would like to note how he brands the majority of Calvinists (Even if they are innocent from his majority of accusations) as being guilty of the above. Aside from his personal bias against YEC (Talk about bullied by science!), he despises polemics. I disagree with him here- Retreat from controversial issues will not help anyone's faith, and will certainly do much harm than good. Calvinists may be too much engaged with polemics, but I believe, it is for the right reasons.

After his acceptance of Romanism and the Emergent Movement, one is now compelled to ask this question- "So, is the iMonk still our friend?"

Well, I'll let you decide.

As for me, it was his own funeral.

New Blogs (Branching Out)

Yep, I'm branching out. From now on, all apologetic themed articles (Defending the faith, if you don't know what it means) will go to the Apologetics Ministry section of Think Christ. Also, my exegetical and research papers will now be appearing at ExegeZone, where all my exegetical articles will be appearing from now on.

Think Christ, of course, will still be running, but from now on, it will only be the place where one can find my thoughts and comments on various issues.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Going On A Trip!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
I'll be gone for the next five days, on a trip (might be very boring), so I'll definitely will not be able to post.

Also, I think I've basically given up on finding an eschatological position. It's too darn hard to sort out. Maybe I might default to preterism. Who knows.

More thoughts on the New Perspective on Paul: I've decided to call it heretical, after seeing what it has to offer. It's not the true gospel, IMO.

AND, the Pope has died. The Catholics must be said. Not me though...

New Perspective on Paul?

Saturday, April 02, 2005
I've heard of it, but never really bothered to study it. Now, after realizing how many people are subscribing to this form of theology, I really need to go deep into it. Oh well. Any way, I plan to have proper millenial position soon. I am currently a loose pre-millenialist, but that may change...