God's Sovereignity & Evil
It has always been interesting to me that, when God answered Job's questions about his sufferings, He did not answer him with some fanciful theodicy. Rather, our Lord asserted his sovereignity. His ownership over everything. Indeed, it was Paul who expressed it perfectly, that "who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, 'Why have you made me like this?' Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honored use and another for dishonorable use? "
Ah yes. Who are you O mere creature, to question the creator?. Who are you, the pot, to question the potter?
Evil is, without a doubt, the number one reason why people disbelieve in God. Yet, would not one agree that the omnipotence of God itself necessitates something called, "I will do what I will."?
A world without evil is possible. Heaven, for one. Thus one is forced to the question, "Why does God allow evil?" Many at this point would jump to a theodicy. Others would perhaps claim agnosticism and say "there's evil, but I don't see anything wrong with God allowing it". I side with the latter.
Of course, the reason of why God allows evil is perhaps something of a controversy. Does he allow evil because it brings about a greater good? Does he allow it to glorify himself more? Or perhaps he cannot stop evil?
I think one of the main reasons why the problem of evil has gained such momentum is because of the typical evangelical claim that "God is love"- they have painted a false picture of a smiley face in the sky. As I have repeatedly said, that is a truth, but not the whole truth. God is also jealous and holy. God is God. He does whatever he wants, and he has done rather nasty things to poor, helpless (and sometimes, honest and sincere) people in the Bible. Unloving? Definitely. But who are we to question the Lord God Almighty?
This line of thinking has always dominated me. God's sovereignity, instead of being cancelled out by evil, cancels evil out instead. He, after all, does whatever he wants. Is there anything wrong with him allowing evil? God after all, is God.
Let it be said that God does not contradict his inherently moral and good nature. He is loving, He is good. The cross has been a symbol of His love. Yet, it is also a symbol of his wrath. He is a God who sends people to heaven, and damns people to hell.
And, as it has been constantly asserted, there is nothing wrong with God allowing evil. For "I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,' calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of my counsel from a far country. I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it. "- Isaiah 46: 9-11
Ah yes. Who are you O mere creature, to question the creator?. Who are you, the pot, to question the potter?
Evil is, without a doubt, the number one reason why people disbelieve in God. Yet, would not one agree that the omnipotence of God itself necessitates something called, "I will do what I will."?
A world without evil is possible. Heaven, for one. Thus one is forced to the question, "Why does God allow evil?" Many at this point would jump to a theodicy. Others would perhaps claim agnosticism and say "there's evil, but I don't see anything wrong with God allowing it". I side with the latter.
Of course, the reason of why God allows evil is perhaps something of a controversy. Does he allow evil because it brings about a greater good? Does he allow it to glorify himself more? Or perhaps he cannot stop evil?
I think one of the main reasons why the problem of evil has gained such momentum is because of the typical evangelical claim that "God is love"- they have painted a false picture of a smiley face in the sky. As I have repeatedly said, that is a truth, but not the whole truth. God is also jealous and holy. God is God. He does whatever he wants, and he has done rather nasty things to poor, helpless (and sometimes, honest and sincere) people in the Bible. Unloving? Definitely. But who are we to question the Lord God Almighty?
This line of thinking has always dominated me. God's sovereignity, instead of being cancelled out by evil, cancels evil out instead. He, after all, does whatever he wants. Is there anything wrong with him allowing evil? God after all, is God.
Let it be said that God does not contradict his inherently moral and good nature. He is loving, He is good. The cross has been a symbol of His love. Yet, it is also a symbol of his wrath. He is a God who sends people to heaven, and damns people to hell.
And, as it has been constantly asserted, there is nothing wrong with God allowing evil. For "I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,' calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of my counsel from a far country. I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it. "- Isaiah 46: 9-11