Websites: The Good, The Bad & The Theologically Incorrect

First off, this is not just a list of websites, but also, blogs. To add a little more, this is also a review of them, be they good, bad or theologically incorrect. The first two terms speak for themselves- though the third one requires a bit more definition: This term is used for those who are (In my judgement) heretics. Why not use heresy then? Well, it wouldn't rhyme then, now would it? ;-)

Note: This list will keep on growing, so, keep checking!

The Good

The Church On The Threshold a.k.a. Monergism

This is probably the best Reformed/Covenantal resource on the web. Lots of great, great stuff. A place that you must visit!

Tekton Apologetics Ministry

One of the best apologetics sites on the web! J.P. Holding (Or his real name, Robert Turkel) writes with wit and sometimes, sarcasm against those skeptics! I fear though of, his (ab)use of context studies. It is a dangerous weapon in the untrained hands. Despite its flaws (Which I am willing to forgive!), it makes a good site overall.

Alpha Omega Ministries

The apologetics ministry of James White. Worth checking out for his blog alone, though he has written some good and great articles in defense of the faith.


If you don't know who Challies is...well, nevermind. He is nevertheless one of the fiercest critics of popular Christianity around on the web, and, coupled with his book reviews, makes a site that you have to visit.

Pyromaniac: A Blog By Phil Johnson

Ah yes, Phil Johnson's blog. He happens to be the editor of MacArthur's books, and also a rather witty guy. Is it just me or does he resemble James White? A blog you should stop by.


The blog of Steve Hays. He has written lots of stuff from critiques of Catholicism to fiction and has had a rather unpleasant run in to Holding of Tektonics, previously referred to above. So you might say I respect him. He writes (at least I think he does) rather dryly, but I do appreciate his theological and philosophical insights.

A Puritans Mind

Not even close to Monergism in terms of material on the puritans, but a good site, nonetheless. The webmaster, C. Matthew McMahon has written some good articles of himself that are worth checking out. Like (almost) all Presbyterians, he happens to have a strong dislike of Covenantal Baptists, but no matter- at least for me =).

Emergent No

The name says it all. This blog is dedicated to critiquing the Emergent Movement, and happens to have one of the most fiercest comments against it I have ever seen. Carla Rolfe and co. must have some pretty strong mental (and spiritual) strength to take these criticism, thus, I respect them. Although I do not agree with all of their assesments, I do find them extremely helpful. A good site, if you're looking for some serious anti-Emergent material.

Desiring God

I had to mention John Piper. I have tremendously great respect for him, thanks to his wonderful integration of sound, strong theology with Christian living. Although I do not necessary agree with him on everything, he definitely is a great man of God.

Bible Centre

Shhhh!!!!! This site is awesome, despite violating copyright laws. No matter, we're Christians right? Heh. They have stuff you can never find anywhere else- Like the Kittel, the Expositors Bible Commentary and the famous Introduction to the NT and other great stuff. Okay, I confess, to use Mark Twain's words, "Not even God can find any sense in all the copyright laws in this world." Amen!

Founders Ministries

Calvinism & Southern Baptists mix well. Lots of great resources to be had here, check out especially the Founders Journal.

Biblical Training

Yet another great resource site. I wonder why Ron Nash hogs up the majority of the "Electives" section, though.

Christian Authors Database

An encyclopedia of the whos who in Christianity. A great resource.

Council On Biblical Manhood And Womanhood

In the age of political correctness CBMW has the strength to go against it. A lot of stuff in this site is an "in your face" to (evangelical) feminists. You can find the famous "Recovering Biblical Manhood & Womanhood" here, as well as "Evangelical Feminism & Biblical Truth" (Recommended) and the "Gender Neutral Bible Controversy".

The Bad

Michael Spencer a.k.a. Internet Monk

I really liked this guy. Past tense. That is, until he started playing with the flames of Compromise and yelling out, "I'm not like you!" Duh. Do check his site for some good critiques of what's wrong with American evangelicalism once in a while though.

Brian McLaren

Dear Mr. Mclaren had to end up somewhere in this category. I like him not because he is theologically sound, but rather, he's provocative, though sometimes irritating. I recommend that you do read him, but read him discerningly and to understand the mindset of one of the most popular leaders of the Emergent Conversation.

Christian Think Tank

It's a great resource on apologetics, no doubt, though when it comes to theology I'm hesitant. This guy devotes an unusual amount of time defending his egalitarianism (And I don't like that, sorry) and if you still disagree on whether Glenn Miller should be in this section, then at least consider it here because of it's horrible design and layout (And this guy is an IT executive!).

The Interactive Bible

One word: Ugh. If you consider this site a great resource, consider again my deluded friend. From advocating baptismal regeneration and bashing the TULIP (And I don't mind it but at least do it well), you find it all here. Good vids on the Toronto Blessing, though.

Christians For Biblical Equality

Disagree with me if you like, but it's here to stay. I'd say (Like all others like me) that it's just feminism in disguise. And if there was any respect for them, I lost it all when they called Complementarians bedfellows with Darwinists.

The Theologically Incorrect

Outside The Camp

Heh, I pity this guy. If you're a Calvinist, I'm sure you know this rather popular hyper-calvinist site. But I thank the Lord he wasn't an Arminian, because if he was one...

Liberated Christians

Biblical Polyamory anyone? And this is what they promote. And they happen to be Christians, with some "exegesis" to support them up in their sleeves. Christian Swingers an oxymoron it is not, so they say. And Phil, why is this website NOT in your Really, Really Bad Theology Bookmarks?! Content Caution: I'm sure you figured out what it is.

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