About Me
I'm not very into sharing personal info with other people, but here goes anyway:
The usual blablabla...
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Age: Born 1990
Ok done. Now:
Theological Persuasion
Denomination: Reformed Baptist (Not very popular denomination among Reformed folk, I know)
Theology: I'm a TULIP Calvinist, and currently studying Covenant Theology. (Means I'm no Dispy!)
Eschatological Position: Definitely not a Pre-tribulationist nor a full Preterist. The strongest contender(s) right now are Modified Post-Millenial Preterism, Amilennialism and Historic Premillenialism.
Likes and Dislikes, things that I do:
Favourite Books: The Bible, obviously. I also love the Artemis Fowl series, by Eoin Colfer. I used to like Harry Potter, but lost all interest when I had to drag myself through the Order Of The Phoenix which was, well, draggy.
Favourite Movies: The Matrix Trilogy as well as Star Wars.
Favourite Music: Classical (i.e. Music by a bunch of dead guys) - A few of my favourite composers include Beethoven, Handel & Listz. I also like Classical Crossover, especially when combined with techno. I despise rap, rock and country.
Hobbies: Apologetics, Evangelism & Polemics. I like to write stories too.
Apologetic Method: Presuppositional. Philosophical/Logical and Evidential when it comes to defense, Presuppositional when it comes to offense.
But above all, I enjoy my Christian life. To sum it up, I'm a Christian and loving it!
The usual blablabla...
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Age: Born 1990
Ok done. Now:
Theological Persuasion
Denomination: Reformed Baptist (Not very popular denomination among Reformed folk, I know)
Theology: I'm a TULIP Calvinist, and currently studying Covenant Theology. (Means I'm no Dispy!)
Eschatological Position: Definitely not a Pre-tribulationist nor a full Preterist. The strongest contender(s) right now are Modified Post-Millenial Preterism, Amilennialism and Historic Premillenialism.
Likes and Dislikes, things that I do:
Favourite Books: The Bible, obviously. I also love the Artemis Fowl series, by Eoin Colfer. I used to like Harry Potter, but lost all interest when I had to drag myself through the Order Of The Phoenix which was, well, draggy.
Favourite Movies: The Matrix Trilogy as well as Star Wars.
Favourite Music: Classical (i.e. Music by a bunch of dead guys) - A few of my favourite composers include Beethoven, Handel & Listz. I also like Classical Crossover, especially when combined with techno. I despise rap, rock and country.
Hobbies: Apologetics, Evangelism & Polemics. I like to write stories too.
Apologetic Method: Presuppositional. Philosophical/Logical and Evidential when it comes to defense, Presuppositional when it comes to offense.
But above all, I enjoy my Christian life. To sum it up, I'm a Christian and loving it!