The 10 Theses Against Egalitarians

Being a complementarian, a position which is very misunderstood, one can't help but groan at the strawmen and mis-representation of your view. I had recently taken another trip to the
Christians For Biblical Equality website. I couldn't help but groan at their "arguments". The happily call complementarianism the "sub-ordination" of women and even linking it to Darwinism! Boy, do these people get really desperate. Mocking and slander is obviously common. Apparently, the only big name people who side their view are N.T. Wright (The odd fellow who thought the Reformation got it all wrong on Paul, considered a heretic), F.F. Bruce and Gordon Fee. Eeesh. Apparently they are selling a book on their bookstore website by an openly gay minister. Woot. I heard other people claiming that complementarianism is "male ego with a halo" and "viewing women as people who need to be saved". *Sigh*

Thus, I present my ten BASIC theses against egalitarians, something I'll try to argue with egalitarians from here onward.

  1. You accuse us of presenting our position out of male pride, but aren't you presenting yours out of female pride?
  2. No women has become pastors for the last 18 centuries. Not until now, when feminism infected the church. Why are you conforming to the world (Rom. 12:2)? Egalitarianism can be said to be made out of "peer pressure" from the unregenerate.
  3. Why has not woman stood up for pastorhood for the nearly a thousand years until now? Is God "liberating" women? Why now? Is it a "revival"? Yeah, child molesting priests and gay pastors...what a wonderful revival indeed, Lord.
  4. Why did Paul appeal to the created order when arguing for male headship? Why did he say Adam was created first and Eve, second? Can we change the creation order? Were Adam and Eve created at the same time?
  5. Why did Paul say right after telling women to keep quiet and to be in submission in 1 Cor. 14:34 to say that: "If anyone thinks that he is a prophet, or spiritual, he should acknowledge that the things I am writing to you are a command of the Lord." (v.37) Isn't this saying that GOD commands women to submit and be silent?
  6. Why are you saying that we treat women as "sub-ordinates" and "inferior" when all we say is that women and men have different roles? Why are you being influenced by the Devil's ideas? (Conforming to the world)
  7. Why is it wrong to say that men and women have different roles in the church; since, after all, men and women are different?
  8. Why are you saying that we should "submit" to each other? What about parents and children? Why do children have to submit to their parents? Isn't that unfair?
  9. Why with the introduction of women as pastors have we seen so much immorality and false doctrine in the church today?
  10. Why isn't it logical that since Christ is the head of the church, and the husband is the head of the wife, that man cannot be the head of the women in church?
These then are my ten theses. So called "equality" advocates have happily hijacked the term "biblical" for their unbiblical egalitarianism. They should be called "Wordly Equality" advocates, since that is what this sinful world asks of women. It has never been wrong to follow what the bible says about men and women. This is true Biblical Equality. Egalitarians have been blinded by their pride and by the world to be unable to see that they have been influence by the world, controlled by the Devil. Thus, I say that they have been influenced by the world itself. I'm not branding all egalitarians as deluded, though all are in some sense. We need to come back to the Bible here, and not do what is considered "hip" by the world.

Fifty Crucial Questions on Manhood & Womanhood

Six Questions That Have Never Been Answered By Egalitarians

Biblical Gynecology Pt.1 Pt.2

Galatians 3:28 (Considered main proof text of "equality")
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